NSFW Baby Shower Cake Accidentally BEARS ALL

Like a lot of new parents-to-be, Jen and Scott asked for a cutesy bear on their baby shower cake.

But instead, they got...



I know, I know. At first glance you're like, "Nooo, they CAN'T be." Then you look closer, and you're like, "THEY TOTALLY ARE WHO MADE THIS CLIP ART?!"

And btw, those aren't even happy effing pandas, you guys. I mean, Mrs. P clearly has a headache, and just wants to eat, shoot, and leave.
(Grammar nerd humor HEYOOOO.)


Thanks to Jen L. for managing to grin and bear it. The cake wreck, I mean. Not the... OH NEVER MIND.


I don't have a unicorn chaser for you (do people even use that term anymore?) but I do have this:

 7-Color Panda Illusion Lamp


And sadly, there’s almost no effing panda related content on Epbot but please enjoy this latest post:

Missed Marks: The Birds & The Trees Edition

Christina ordered this cute owl cake:


... but instead, she got a real hoot:


Hoooooo doggy.

Rhiannon asked for this buttercream birch design:


But instead:


Birch? PLEASE.

And finally, a little birdie told me Magda asked for this for her daughter's birthday:


Buuut I'm pretty sure the baker winged it:


...in the most painful sense of the word. Ouch.

Thanks to Christina N., Rhiannon W., & Magda J. for the twitters.


Here's a hilariously appropriate book for today:

Someday A Bird Will Poop On You: A Life Lesson

This modern parable is a quick, fun read for kids and adults alike.