The Cake Wrecks Ink Blot Test

We need modern tools for a modern age, minions. That's why I'm proposing we throw out the passé Rorschach ink blot test for psychological evaluation... and use cakes instead.


"SO... [clicking pen, pushing up glasses, consulting clipboard]...

"Tell me.

"What do you see?"

JessicaDud.ow.Um what.jpg

"I'm sorry, did you just say "a screaming ding dong on a pile of dog crap"?

"You did?

[scribbling on clipboard] "Innnnnteresting."


"Right. How about this one?"


"Huh. Really? Huh.

"No, no, don't worry, LOTS of folks see "a pug who ate Italy."

[turns to camera, eyes wide, mouths NO THEY DON'T.]


"Ok, last one. Ready?

"What do you see?"


"And I'm going to need you to be really specific here, since the boss wants a label on this thing pronto, and I have no friggin' clue.

"Oh, wow, and look at the time! Guess my lunch break's over. So, would you like any more cakes, or should I just ring these three up?"


Thanks to Jessica D., Lindsey I., & Tracy A., who can probably think of worse things than having bakers for psychoanalysts. At least you'd get cake after each session, right?

And from my other blog, Epbot:

Please Note The Position Of The Frowny Face

Val's friends ordered her a Kansas University cake, with "Go Jayhawks!" on it. There was a little mix-up with the "KU" at the top, though:


Give it a sec.

(When in doubt, always add ellipses.)


This bride and groom ordered a small wedding cake, plus a matching sheet cake to go on the side.

Technically, I guess they DO match:


(Recore is their last name. I know, I was confused, too.)

And finally, things that make you go:

Scream eriuteirutyierutyieu.gif
Ross uytruyturyturytuy.gif

Thanks to Brian H., Angie S., & Cheryl C. for discovering 2 out of 3 emojis prefer dog poop.


Listen, I may never understand the appeal of the poop emoji, but I can definitely get behind the advertising photos for this farting poop pen: 

 Talking Emoji Poop Pen With 7 Different Fart Sounds


And from my other blog, Epbot: