Hey, THEY Said It, Not Me

Calling all "Qualified" Cake "Decorators"!




Sure, it's a tough job, but someone's gotta poo it.



Though it does require you give a flying crap:



And be a regular person:


You know, no weirdos.


If that's you, then this job could be yours in a pinch!



A heaping pile o' fun!



Just remember to go with the flow:


But(t) not that much.

(Ooh, looks like the bride finally managed to get... a turd in edgewise.)


And thanks also to Anneke D., Patricia S., Amy K., Firas, Gail W., Cheyenne B., & Britani O. for passing on... the excitement.


You may think the world doesn't need any more poop-themed products, but - BUTT! - I think you'll agree the world DEFINITELY needs the "Gotta Go Flamingo."

Why? Because it's a toy flamingo that comes with its own toilet and NO I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP:

Little Live Pets' "Gotta Go Flamingo"

Wow. Wow. The product photo of a kid pouring the "reusable food" out of the toilet and back into the flamingo's mouth is going to stay with me for a while.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Was One Of The 10 Things "Cake Wrecks"?

Madeline writes:


Well sure, but in the bakery's defense, we don't know what was on Madeline's list.

I mean, maybe it looked like this:

Things Sunshine Likes:

1) Sadness
2) Plastic
3) Clashing Colors
4) Writing With Her Feet
5) Staring Into The Abyss
6) Disproportionate Sizes
7) Rough Plaster Walls
8) Ransom Notes
9) Being Forgotten Until The Last Possible Second
10) Balloons

See, if THAT was the list then you've gotta admit: BANG ON.


Thanks to Madeline & Sunshine, who I hope finally gets a giggle out of her sweet sixteen tragedy.


P.S. This shirt was crying out to be included today:

"What's Wrong With Society" T-Shirt

And from my other blog, Epbot: