Leave Blank Space, Baby

I figure the only way I'm going to get rid of this earworm is by giving it to you guys. So...

Hit it!


So, it's gonna be forever



Or it's gonna go down in flames.



You can tell me when it's over,



If the high was worth the pain.



Got a long list of ex-lovers!



They'll tell you...


I'm insaaaane.


But I got a blank space, baby...

christine (christine.scarpa113).ow.grandpa's bday (baker removed writing).jpg


And I'll write your name!



Toe-tapping thanks to Lindsay W., Meredith G., Daisy S., Telitha G., Sheri T., Geneva W., Christine S., and Elisabeth T. You know I'll love you guys forever, don't you?


And from my other blog, Epbot:

THIS IS A TRIUMPH... Of Creepiness

Ever get the feeling something's missing?


Like the second cake Jessie ordered?

Or any semblance of reading comprehension?


LEGO Batman is all the rage right now, so here:


...something to rage over.

(Or maybe sh** a brick? I'll show myself out.)


And finally, when you ask for "The Cake Is Not A Lie," (a classic Portal reference) and get what I'm pretty sure is the creepiest thing I've ever read:


Just keep telling yourself that.


While you wrestle with that nightmare fuel...

...appropriate Portal song is appropriate:

(If you're super confused right now, play the game. Trust me. It's amazing.)


Thanks to Jessie A., Jeff E., & David E. for the most perfect song setup of all time. This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: "HUGE SUCCESS."


And from my other blog, Epbot: