
The 2011 Charity Countdown

Hi, guys! I know the holidays can leave us hectic, hassled, and (sometimes) decking more than halls. That's why I first introduced the Cake Wrecks Charity Countdown back in 2009: I wanted to reconnect with that holiday spirit everyone's singing about, and I wanted a way to band together as Wreckies to make a difference for those who needed it, one teensy, easy-to-give dollar at a time.



The results were awesome, inspiring, and downright sweet. (Remember this?)

So this year, by oh-so-much popular demand, we're doing it again.

Here's how it works:

I'm asking each of you to give one dollar - just a single buckaroo - to each of our featured charities. Most of our picks are signed up with First Giving, a charity payment service, which means you can enter your info once and it wil remember it for each charity - a real time saver.

And because we're all so busy this month, I'm going to switch things up by announcing all of our charity picks today, so you won't miss any of the later ones while you're off traveling and celebrating and whatnot. Feel free to give to them all today, or come back and give one day at a time with your families. (I've heard from lots of folks who use this as a teaching tool for their kids - cool idea!)

By itself, a dollar can't do much. But that's the whole point: if we work together, our individual dollars WILL make a difference. And seeing that happen - knowing that a new well was drilled or a little boy got his surgery or a family will have full bellies this Christmas - and knowing you made that happen? Well, wow.

Let's do that, Wreckies.


So, without further ado, here's our 2011 Charity Countdown lineup:


Give Kids The World provides children with life-threatening illnesses and their families truly magical experiences at the Give Kids The World Village, a 70-acre Orlando resort specifically designed for children with special needs.

Click here to donate your dollar. 




Love146 has one simple, compelling, gut-wrenching goal: "The abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation. Nothing less."

Cick here to donate your dollar.



Operation Smile provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the globe.

Click here to donate your dollar.


Share Our Strength’s goal is to end childhood hunger in America. "Working with others, we believe we can do this by 2015."

Click here to donate your dollar.




charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. We use 100% of public donations to directly fund sustainable water solutions in areas of greatest need.

Click here to donate your dollar.



Free Wheelchair Mission is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to providing wheelchairs for the impoverished disabled in developing nations.

Click here to donate your dollar.



To Write Love On Her Arms is dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.

Click here to give your dollar.



Heifer International works to end hunger and poverty by providing livestock, training, and related services to communities worldwide.

Click here to give your dollar.



Also, feel free to share links to your favorite charities in the comments - especially local or lesser-known ones - so we can all find some new causes to support this year!