
Wrecky No More? Decorating Tips & Tricks From The Prefessionals

Sometimes the right fondant choice can mean the difference between this:





(Yes, it's the same cake. And yes, leaving it in a hot car for 6 hours MAY have played a small part...)


So next time, consider Decorator Preferred Fondant®

It protects your cakes from the elements, and looks great doing it!


Ruh-roh, don't look now, but I think this baker may need a support group:


If only she'd used Wilton's Bamboo Dowel Rods.

And at less than $5 for a pack of twelve, how could she afford NOT to?


You know, minions, with all the wrecks we're seeing these days:

Do you ever wonder why we bother with store-bought at all?

Wilton offers convenient decorating classes at both your local JoAnn's *and* Michael's. With just a few short weeks of training, you can guarantee your family wreck-free birthdays from now on.

Also helpful?

Their Deluxe Practice Board!

Just $29.95 on Wilton's website. And don't forget to use the promo code "cakewrecks"!


Oh man! Someone misspelled birthday again?

With Wilton's Message Press Sets, birthday misspellings are a thing of the past!

Guaranteed to be spelled correctly - or your money back. ;)


"But Jen," you're saying, "My kids want a monkey- shaped cake this year - and I'm afraid mine will look like this!"


Never fear, Imaginary Reader With Real-Life Concerns! Wilton's got you covered there, too:

Their shaped cake pans start at just $13.95, and there's a huge variety of fun shapes and characters to choose from.


Remember, you want to see wreckage here on Cake Wrecks:

NOT on your dining room table.


Thanks to Danielle V., Melissa L., Michelle S., Whitney K., Sarah, and Virgipooh for providing us with some much needed inspiration. And please help us welcome our new site sponsor, Wilton!


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.