I Don't Know About You, But This Is The Best Conversation I've Had Today

And now it's time for One-Sided Conversations With Jen. Feel free to talk to me through the screen, though. I'm sure that won't worry your family and friends at all.

Anyone here remember the game Hungry Hungry Hippos?

I only ask because...


...well, no reason.


Hey, you know those days when you feel like a Disney princess, but instead of singing to random woodland creatures, you'd rather shoot them?

Well you're in luck, there's a cake for that:


Two words: Run, Bambi.


You know that feeling where you're out in public and find yourself watching the people around you with a stunned mixture of both horror and fascination?


Same energy.

Right now they're just happy to be on that side of the glass.


And finally, let's throw it back to a simpler - but equally wrecky - time with a peek into a vintage Wilton catalogue from the 1980s:


Nananannanaanananana... CATMAAAN.  Mror. Ffft ffft.

Thanks to Lauren R., Laura W., Kira S., & Emma P., who tells me that Catman is feline fine. 


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Back! Back! Over The Balls!

I think I'm ready to start eating more fruit, you guys.


I'll, uh, have what she's having.


Over at Epcot (the theme park, not our resident bunker) there's a Frozen-themed ride where the old Maelstrom used to be. That change upset a lot of fans, of course, because Maelstrom was the ONLY Disney ride to prominently feature an enormous offshore drilling rig.

So Maelstrom fans, this one's for you:


They didn't want the words "drilling rig," of course, just a picture of one. Much like the chocolate oil drips and all the Maelstrom quotes about to flood the comments, that's just a bonus.


And hey, while I'm rocking the boat, here's a Brexit cake of a butt-bottomed champagne bottle and a cork that looks like wrinkly balls:


Too soon?



Thanks to Cheryl K., Ashley M., & Fay H., who I'm sure joins me in wondering if that nutty baker was later sacked.


P.S. If you got my Maelstrom jokes then you're going to LOVE this:

If You Can Read This, Thank The Phoenicians T-Shirt

Old school Epcot fans represent!