Back! Back! Over The Balls!

I think I'm ready to start eating more fruit, you guys.


I'll, uh, have what she's having.


Over at Epcot (the theme park, not our resident bunker) there's a Frozen-themed ride where the old Maelstrom used to be. That change upset a lot of fans, of course, because Maelstrom was the ONLY Disney ride to prominently feature an enormous offshore drilling rig.

So Maelstrom fans, this one's for you:


They didn't want the words "drilling rig," of course, just a picture of one. Much like the chocolate oil drips and all the Maelstrom quotes about to flood the comments, that's just a bonus.


And hey, while I'm rocking the boat, here's a Brexit cake of a butt-bottomed champagne bottle and a cork that looks like wrinkly balls:


Too soon?



Thanks to Cheryl K., Ashley M., & Fay H., who I'm sure joins me in wondering if that nutty baker was later sacked.


P.S. If you got my Maelstrom jokes then you're going to LOVE this:

If You Can Read This, Thank The Phoenicians T-Shirt

Old school Epcot fans represent!