Simply The "Best"

It's "Simplify Your Life Week," minions, and I say we start with cake. (We can also end with cake and in-between with cake, because... cake.)

Now, sure, I've shown you over 15,000 wrecks on this blog, but that's no reason to think ordering a cake has to be complicated! Just keep it simple.

For example, this design would work for literally ANY occasion:


If you don't know what it is, then neither do they. ::tapping temple:: Eh? Eh? So who's to say it's NOT the birthday blob, or the communion coral, or the radioactive retirement rhesus?


Can't decide on the decorations? Then ask for a flower! It's simple, easy, fool-proof.



Well, two out of three... is better than one out of three.

Everyone knows the "Happy Birthday" is implied, so why complicate matters with extra words? Just focus on the important part:


Misspelling the number. 

And placing it off center.

Surrounded by off-kilter Kit Kats.


Thanks to Jordan A., Stacy S., & Kristen R. for being my 28rd favorite wreckporters.


Did you know Amazon has a bunch of the Japan-exclusive Kit-Kat flavors? I found Matcha, Custard, Black Tea, Sakura, Saki, and more.

They're not cheap, but most have free shipping and it's fun browsing all the different flavors.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Note from john (the hubby of Jen)

A few days ago, an anonymous user commented that if we don’t have any new content, we should just shut this site down. I get it, they’re disappointed. And of course it’s your right to never look at this page again. But honestly, I’m having fun. Every night, we get to look through our archives, at posts we might not have seen in 16 years, and laugh again. For us, it’s a time capsule. It’s years of corny jokes and good puns, of stunning Sweets and hilarious wrecks. All that to say, we’ll probably keep this site up for the foreseeable future. I hope it continues to bring you a smile. Wreck on, my friends. -john

This Bakery's Baby Shower Display May Actually Give You Nightmares

I thought I'd seen it all, dear minions. Heck, I HAVE seen it all.

Just... not like this:


Either these naked baby dolls came to life overnight and started eating the display cakes, OR - and this is even MORE disturbing - the bakery did this on purpose.



I'm not even creeped out by dolls, you guys - exhibit A-Z right here - but this? With all the icing smears, and those staring dead eyes? (And why - WHY - are they naked?!)

Yep. That's a giant plate o' NOPE, right there.

But wait!



Apparently this naked demon doll sat in the icing before collapsing, which really brings the ol' "I licked that piece so it's mine now" strategy to a whole new level.


Maybe you didn't notice lil' icing butt, though, because:









Thanks to Kristen D. for the sweet dreams. And my "sweet dreams" I mean "screaming nightmares." You monster.


And from my other blog, Epbot: