Sunday Sweets Is Blinding Me With SCIENCE

Anyone else have fond memories of your school's lab? The eye-wash stations against the back wall, the shelves of beakers and bunson burners, that funky burnt smell that never quite went away?

Ahh, good times.

So today we're celebrating all the fun parts of Lab, and pretending the unfortunate frog thing never happened. I'm delighted to find science-themed birthday parties are surprisingly popular - and it's easy to see why with cakes like this:


(Good Gosh Ganache, Texas)

EEEEEE this is so cool! The floating beaker bubbles, the rock candy test tubes, and my new favorite color combo: love that lime green with the teal, red, and purple.

This one combines science with space. Aw yeah, SPACE SCIENCE:


(Divine Cake, Texas)

Technically that's known as astronomy, but much like Saturn, I find "space science" has a nice ring to it.

::bah dum CHA::

Or maybe you'd like to celebrate your favorite scientist:


(Tatyana Kitina)

Einstein has never looked cuter, and the hanging "drips" from the test tube are clever. 

I'm a big fan of using the periodic table elements to form the birthday kid's name:


(Cakes by R.C., Florida)

And here the birthday boy is his own element:


(Moya Sugar Art, Montenegro)


I've never seen a fondant border like this next one. It's wacky and weird and I like it:


(Sweet-Tooth Cakes and Cupcakes)

I've also never seen a cake microscope that looks this realistic, WOW:


(Spring Bloom Cakes, Canada)

And just think: for all these parties you could give the guests lab coats and perform candy "experiments". Or add a Halloween twist and throw in some Frankenstein decor and a "pin the arm on the monster" game, ha.

(Dangit, now I want to throw a Halloween party!) 

 Not that science is just for kids, of course. I mean, after a while science-loving kids grow up, and then some of them want to get married, and have wedding cakes like THIS:


(The Cake & The Giraffe, Vancouver, BC)


Love the binary code heart.

Or how about this one?


(De La Creme Creative Studios, Missouri)

I'm not 100% sure this is a wedding cake, but if you throw in some vows about being made for each other, it could totally work.

And finally, you know I'm going to end with something rainbow, right? Rainbows are one of the first things to get me interested in science - I wrote a report about them in second grade - so really, it's elementary:


(Mile Bian by Lucia Loro, Argentina)

Not to mention very, very Sweet. Mmmm.

I hope these made you smile, gang, and reminds you to appreciate all the wonders around you this week. Or to perform tasty experiments in your kitchen. :D


P.S. One of my favorite things about researching today's Sweets was seeing how many were made for girls! Not to pull the age card or anything, but there was a time when we ladies weren't as encouraged to love science and technology, so seeing our future generations embrace the things they love makes me so darn happy.

Speaking of, if you know any science-loving kids, then they might also love this book:

9 Times Strategic Thinking Really Paid Off

As you know, September is International Strategic Thinking Month, so while we hang our Strategic Stockings and hum the Strategery anthem, let's take a quick break for cake... strategically.


1: Is your handwriting too big?



2: Too small?



C: Did you start too high?



D: Or too drunk?



5: Do you need to break up a word with a dash?



F: Did you put the emPHAsis on the right syLAble?



VII: Do you know how balloons work?



XVII: Are you feeling dizzy?



And if all else fails, remember: with a little strategic thinking you can print your cake design, thereby eliminating the chance of any... uh... oh.


[side eye]



Thanks to Anony M., Mark T., Lori T., Kelly M., Dan F., Gabrielle, Erin V., Anony M. & Amanda M. for planning ahead - but next time we'd prefer a hand.


P.S. Here's a strategic (eh?) way to spend family time with your kids while also throwing things at them:

Throw Throw Burrito: A Dodgeball Card Game

It's by the makers of Exploding Kittens, so you know you'll have some laughs, too.


And from my other blog, Epbot: