Really? I Mean, Really?!? (Yes, MORE Turkey Wrecks)
Apparently my top "20" ways to wreck a turkey cake just weren't enough for you guys. I know this because some of you are:
a) complaining that the past two days' Wrecks don't technically add up to 20, and
fork) still sending in a truly dizzying array of Wreckage that simply must be shared.
These include gems like...

Some of you requested more non-cupcake-cake Turkey Wrecks, though. Nooo problem.
[rapid blinking]
Uh...How do you feel about cupcake Turkey Wrecks?
(Just one question: how do you pick them up?)
Rasta Turkey Snails!
(With...chicken heads? Ok. Sure. Why not?)

And lastly, here's a foul fowl that could give the Coiled Crap Hound a run for its money:
Jen D., Jaime H., Jen L., Amanda S., Gloria C., Jen P., Bonnie L., & Elaine M., don't look at me like that; I'm sure there's chocolate sherbert* somewhere.
- Related Wreckage: And Now, a Word from Your Thanksgiving Turkey Cakes
* Also spelled "sherbet", "shebert" and "shrbrt".