Keep It Stupid, Stupid
When April W.'s mom ordered a Father's Day cake last year, the clerk seemed to think that a name should go on the cake as well. Since there was more than one Dad in the house, though, April's mom insisted that the cake only say Happy Father's Day.
Or maybe her exact words were "Father's Day Only" - it's kind of hard to say...
I realize this is going to seem nit-picky, but I really want to know why the "t" is the only letter not capitalized. Seriously. Does that strike anyone else as odd?
There are perils in the world of random capitalization, though:

Ok, obviously these inscriptions are just too long and complicated. So let's cut out all the extraneous stuff and get right to the heart of the matter:
Justin F., Kristina B., Mike H., & Erin H., Wreckporters!
- Related Wreckage: Dial-A-Wreck