A Floridian's Fall Trip
Seriously! Fall! Already!
I think I just pooped a pumpkin!
So, now that I know it's officially "Fall," I think I'll kick off my flip-flops, crank the air down to 78 (which may take a while, since it's [checking temperature] ooh, down to 92!), and then find some great Fall cakes to get me in the spirit of the season.
Let's see...[rifling through e-mail]...aha! Here we go:

Well, thank goodness for big plastic leaves, at least:
I mean, just try to imagine this pair without them. [shudder]
And what says "Fall" better than a bunch of plastic leaves?

I like how the Wreckerator impaled all the leaves Ninja-style into the icing, too. It really says, "Psst. Hey. Are these leaves dead... or deadly?"
Well, one thing's for sure: when the Pod People come, this will make them think twice before going after the Wreckerators.
You know, an optimist would say these scarecrows are half icing, half plastic:
...a pessimist would say they're just half-a$$ed.
It's a swirl! It's a flame! It's...
Anony M., Michelle G., Peche, Claire, Steven W., Lora, Jen L., & Lindsey & Chris B., I love that cake. No Y?