MOM ALERT: today's Wrecks may start some awkward conversations with the kids.
When choosing sweets for your Sweet this week, think twice before going with one of these.

cocky Wreckerator strikes again!
(Although s/he seems a bit unsure:"Huge.. Me..."?)
I've heard of taking a flying leap before, but this is ridiculous.
Stores aren't really helping with their Valentines' displays, either:

Something about this sign just rubs me the wrong way.

I wish I could say "breast" is a Freudian slip here, but it isn't. (I'll spare you *that* picture, though. Heh.) Still, the way this is phrased makes me wonder why some guy named Valentine is demanding we women yell instructions at one of our wachungas. ("You there! Lefty! Stop slouching and face front!")
And finally, the sure-fire mood killer:
"Darlin', let's make a really ugly baby together. Or maybe just eat this one."Grant H., Anthony S., Meredith S., Jennifer S., & Jen F., that baby cake would be a hilarious Valentine for an ex. Not that I'm encouraging that kind of thing, of course. ;)
- Related Wreckage: Heart Expressions