Estonian Kissing Day
According to The Repository Of All Knowledge And Wisdom In Our World (aka, Wikipedia) today might be a Valentines-ish type of day in some remote corner of the world or potential worlds. In fact, I'm almost 63% sure that today is, in fact, "Kissing Day" in the western region of Estonia.
Or was that on Epsilon Ceti B II?
Whichever, the point is that I can post old Valentine's cakes without fear of the "fact" police getting all up in my cakey "business."

[licking fingers and smoothing eyebrows]
SO...are you a puddle of oozing desire yet?
Ok, time to break out the big guns:

(You know, whether you read that as a command or an adjective, it's equally romantic.)
Thanks to Meagan M., Greg M., Kimberly B., Amber T., Natsk, Amy I., Rebekah K., Michael D., & Kyra, who always talk smack when they're feeling peckish, but still refuse to give me any lip.