Sunday Sweets: Wonderland Treats
Ever wish that real life wasn't so ... real-lifey?
Me, too.
So let's take a little break from boring ol' reality today with an imaginary vacation down the rabbit hole, to a magical place called ...
(By Vsem Tort)
... Wonderland!
A place full of tea parties and roses and magic mushrooms:
Why, it sounds like a party already!
And this cake is a party for my eyeballs; check out those edible ink illustrations pulled straight from the book! Fantastic.
But Lewis Carroll's classic, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland has inspired all kinds of wonderlands, should you feel suddenly inspired to create your own wonder-cake. There's also Tim Burton's interpretation:
(By Fatma Ozmen Metinel)
Tweedledee and Tweedledum! (Way way waaaaay cuter here in fondant - sorry, Tim.) And could that Queen of Hearts BE any more Helena Bonham Carter? So much detail. I love that the platter goes along with the theme, too; kinda would have ruined the effect to plunk this masterpiece down on a Chinet.
Then, of course, there's the 1951 Disney version:
(Submitted by Melissa G. and made by Jacques Fine European Pastries)
How dead-on is the door knob?! (And is it weird that he was always my favorite character?)
But no one ever said you can't mix them all up; it is Wonderland after all. Here are Tim Burton's Alice and Queen of Hearts sharing space with the Disney cast of characters:
Sheer madness! But the best cakes usually are.
No, don't worry your little pink nose, we still have much more muchness to see.
Like this classic take on The White Rabbit:
(Submitted by Lauren B. and made by Nevie-Pie Cakes)
... looking dapper in his party finery on this hand-painted cookie, which sounds exactly like something you'd eat at a Wonderland tea party.
But be careful. Wonderland can also be a dangerous place ...
You just might lose your head.
Or get in big trouble for painting the roses red ...

Still, it's a beautiful effect on a cake! Amiright, or amiright, Your Majesty?
(By Sweet Ruby Cakes)
Ooookay. Nevermind. Love the dress, by the way! That collar is killer.
Well, the clock's a-ticking; it's almost time to go ...
(By Tiffany's Baking Co.; pic courtesy of Torrence Photography)
... but not without taking a minute to give a hand to this baker and his/her subtly stunning cake. Teacups and mushrooms and pocket watches, oh my! Just wonder-full!
And speaking of, I don't think you could stuff any more wonder into this last cake; it's chock full of wonderment, right down to the props on the table:
(Submitted by Sierra & made by Karen Portaleo of The Highland Bakery)
I love the bottom layer, with the Mad Hatter peeking out from under his hat, as if to say one last goodbye. [sniffle]
Aww, I'm not ready to leave!