Oooooh...SO CLOSE
So do bakers still get points if you can at least tell what their cakes were *supposed* to say?
The period is how you know that new hairstyle is really working for you, Raquel. Honest.
Excellent advice for those pesky potty-training years.
Is this like an "I am legion" thing? 'Cuz if so, I'd rather you roar over there, if it's all the same to all of you.
And for bonus points, let's see if you can tell what these last two words were supposed to say:
Not sure? Then here's a hint: it's the same thing the last word on THIS cake was supposed to say:
But hey, who's counting?
Thanks to Shimon M., Raquel, Rebecca D., Jennifer B., Tom M., & Shane A. for the close falls.
P.S. Here's a (hilarious) reminder that English is almost as confusing as these cakes: