Great Expectations

I know we all love wedding wrecks with a schadenfreude-filled passion, but when it comes to what-they-wanted vs. what-they-got wrecks, believe me, it's not just wedding cakes:

Rebecca.ow.inspiration and result tiered.jpg

You know those days when you wonder why you even bothered showing up for work? 

That's the top tier on the right.


 Ammi T. hoped to find a friend in her baker when she ordered this Toy Story-inspired Woody cake:

ammi tuc.lw.woody bday request.jpg

But instead she went to fecality, and beyond:


ammi tuc.ow.woody bday result.jpg

It's like two poop ropes shaking hands.

In fact, I think we're going to need a rear view on this one, don't you? [nodding] Yeah.

Turn 'er around, boys!

ammi tuc.ow.woody bday result 2.jpg

Hoo-WHEE! Saggy.


 Now, to be fair, I'm not sure how anyone would go about recreating this next cake exactly:

ashley-michelle arn anon.lw.winnie the pooh request.jpg

(What is that, printable fondant? It sure doesn't look like paper...)

 But regardless, this isn't it:

22 anon.lw.winnie the pooh result.jpg

That moment when you realize the awful Pooh picnic wreck is an engagement cake.


And finally, Virginia K. wanted this shaped number cake for her eighteenth birthday:

virginia kas.lw.18th bday request.jpg


 But instead, she celebrated her legal coming of age - and all its unlimited litigation possibilities - with this:

virginia kas.ow.18th bday result.jpg

So many things to say, but I keep coming back to those color choices. "Ok, you know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking EARTHWORMS and MINT ICE CREAM. Can we make that happen? Yes? AWESOME."


Thanks to Rebecca, Ammi T., Anony M., &Virginia K. for that horrifying mental image. I mean, sure, I wrote it, but still. I BLAME YOU.

And from my other blog, Epbot: