If You Say There's No Such Thing As "Too Much Icing," Then This Post Is For You

It was Talk Like A Pirate Day last week, but I think this bakery could have used less talking and more map-drawing:


When in doubt, add more arrows.


Julie asked for "boyish colors and decorations."


So you saw it here first, folks: Clown poop is officially "boyish."
And a "decoration."


Every time I complain about an insane icing-to-cake ratio, the pro-icing peeps come out of the woodwork, exclaiming that no amount of icing is TOO much icing.

Aiiight, you pro-icing-ers, consider this the gauntlet being thrown:


Is THIS enough icing for ya?


Kasey asked for a cake that said "Happy Birthday," and then in parentheses, "Mulan was here."

You'd think the parentheses curve-ball would trip them up, but no, that was the one thing they really nailed:


There's just nothing in it.


They say it's officially Fall.
I don't believe it.
They say Pumpkin Spice makes everything better.
I don't believe it.
They say this is a pumpkin:


[head tilt]

Eh, seems about right.


Thanks to S.E., Julie A., Kristina J., Kasey R., & Sarah C. for agreeing with me that Pumpkin Spice Oreos is the line, and that line HAS BEEN CROSSED TOO FAR.


P.S. I can't think of a better gift for Fall than this, y'all:

Pumpkin Spice Scented Toilet Paper

Admit it, you thought of at least one person in your life who needs this.


And from my other blog, Epbot: