NOBODY Puts Baby In A Corner - So Stick "Reed" Over There

Christina B. writes:


I read that as "peed in the corner" at first, but bakers almost never do that.



 Kendra H. wanted "Happy Birthday Deanie" in dark green.

Kendra Het.ow.dark green writing.jpg

More proof you can't always believe what you read: This cake has been doctored.


 And finally, Jaime J.'s cousin forgot a birthday and asked for a cake that said, "Sorry I Suck" on it.



[That's an old school facepalm emoji. See how the Q is a little hand?]




Speaking of things you suck on... how cute are these little gummy bear charms??

You get 40 for about $9, perfect for crafts and jewelry making.


And from my other blog, Epbot: