And Now A Word From Princess Godzilla
Cake Wrecks style
1) First things first: you'll need a wardrobe fit for royalty.

Because even a strait jacket can be princessy when paired with the right skirt/circus tent.
2) Have your hair and makeup done professionally every day.
Don't be like Elsa that one time:

(Girl needs to let her liquid eyeliner GO, am I right?)
3) Find an animal side kick
Friendly forest creatures are SO overdone, though. I recommend something a little more original: a boa constrictor.
4) Eyebrows UP! It helps instill a sense of wonder.

Not to mention a sense of surprise and/or fear.
Which is why:
5) You can never, EVER, stop smiling:

Cindy's foot is currently being gnawed on by angry peasant mice, but do you see her complaining?
But really, my dear minions, there is only one requirement to be a princess:
Be true to yourself, and feel pretty doing it.

Princess Godzilla demands it.
Thanks to Anony M., KM, Noelle T., Kathy C., Sydney C., & Andrea L. for making her daughter the best princess cake OF ALL TIME. Somebody give Princess Godzilla her own movie, product line, and action figures, STAT!
P.S. Am I really going to use Princess Godzilla as an excuse to mention my favorite liquid eyeliner?
Yes, yes I am.
Nano Liner
Listen, once you hit 40 you tend to want thinner eyeliners, in the hopes that at least SOME of your eyeshadow will still show under your drooping eye flaps. I transitioned from brush liners to felt tips years ago, and the Nano is my gold standard: crisp, thin lines, a flexible felt tip that makes wings vastly easier, and best of all, it costs less than $7, y'all. What whaaaaat. Trust me, buy two.