Tell Me The Opposite Of What You Want, What You Really Really Want

Happy Opposite Day, minions! 

Oh wait, or am I supposed to wish you a terrible Opposite Day? I'm a little fuzzy/slimy on the format here. 

Just to be safe, I've found a couple different examples of opposite cakes. Like numbers facing opposite directions:


Except they wrote them the right way. Huh.

What's the opposite of a facepalm? ... A buttsole?

(Don't worry, I said "butt SOLE," John. "Butt SOLE.")

Or there's Kari getting opposing messages on her retirement cake:


Maybe it's like a Freudian slip in icing.


 Then there's the cake that captures the true spirit of getting the opposite of what you want.

See, Tara wanted a minion dressed as Elsa. No, not one of you minions - though I'm sure you'd look smashing - one of the yellow minions, like this:


But instead, Tara got this:



It's an Opposite Day Miracle!!


Thanks to Emily G., Kari W., & Tara T., who knows the opposite of letting it go is chasing it down and smashing it with a hammer.

P.S. If you or your SO need help figuring out which side of the bed is yours, then this duvet's got you covered:

His & Hers Queen Duvet Set



And from my other blog, Epbot: