These Bakers Struck Out, But At Least They Nailed The Dirty Part

When you don't know if you should be more relieved... or worried:


Is that... a pie tin?




Her local bakery didn't have a bowling design, so Renee brought in a little plastic bowling kit a few days ahead of time for them to use on her son's birthday cake.

The good news?

They DID put the plastic bowling set on the cake.

The bad news?

This was the cake:





I'll give you a hint on this next one: it's a football helmet.
Now see if you can figure out what it is:


No clue, right? Right there with ya.



THIS, my friends, is a simple-but-sweet Cornelli Lace sheet cake:



And THIS is what happens when a baker sees that photo and says, "I could knock that sucker out in like 90 seconds. You! Boy! THROW ME THAT PIPING BAG."


Boo. Ya. Emphasis on the "boo."



And finally, there's this:


Which I thought was maybe a little inappropriate for a three year old, but then John pointed out it's supposed to be a dirt path.

[side eye]

[more side eye]

[weighing the many, MANY possible jokes here]

[and also the number of children reading this]

So at least they nailed the "dirty" part.

Thanks to Hank C., Renee B., Brendan B., Krystine M., & Wanda K. for driving that last one home.


And from my other blog, Epbot: