I once mentioned online how much I love rainy days, because I never have to go outside. Then I might have said something about going 5 or 6 days without leaving the house, and hellooooo, Judgey McJudgersons!
Look, internet people, I don't need your pity. I HAVE CATS.
Besides, I DO leave the house on occasion. Sometimes even voluntarily. However, with Florida basically a giant steam sauna filled with mosquitoes right now, I prefer getting my sunshine through a window - and with the A/C at full blast, thankyouverymuch.
Some people think a lack of live social interaction can make you go a little funny in the head, but I say the opposite is true. In fact, every day I see perfectly socialized bakers churning out silent, frosting-soaked pleas for psychological intervention:

The sign says, "Turkey shaped cake." Tell me this isn't a cry for help.
And I'm not talking about special orders here, where you could understand, say, Darth Vader riding a My Little Pony. I'm talking the stuff they put out in the display cases, for all the world to see and quietly back away from, being careful to make no sudden movements.

We call it, "Someone please just make the voices stop screaming."
[P.S. - Two words: "Blue boobs."]
[You're welcome.]
And now, edible ghost chickens, because, yeah, that's perfectly normal:

"Bok Bok B'WoooOOOooo!"
The person who made this deals with people all day.
Let's all take a moment to really let this one sink in:

This, too:

And these:

Let's just say I wouldn't invite this baker over to babysit.
(Why are there ghost flies around the edge? And two monsters hiding beside the crib? WHY?)
For all the days I've spent peacefully working at home, it's never once occurred to me to make edible toes out of gummi rabbits.

...and that almost makes me sad; I bet this baker's head would be a fun place to visit.
I clearly remember my pre-blog days, of course, back when I had "normal," people-riddled work places. The worst was the return desk at a TJ Maxx. After a day of dealing with deranged customers who insisted the waffle iron that still had waffles in it was "never used," I'm pretty sure even these would've looked like a good idea:

The trick is to eat them before they start talking.
So remember, extroverts, before you judge us hermits hiding behind the blinds and dressing our cats as Stargate characters, sometimes getting out of the house isn't always the answer.
Sometimes people just do better on their own.
And sometimes the mutant Strawberry Ladybug thing just needs to die.

Hey Jill E., Niomi W., Anony M., Brocha S., Kelly W., Susan K., Carolyn T., Bethany, & Dani S, party at my place? Doctor Meow-Kay and Tail-La would love to meet you!
P.S. Hey, you know what would be a perfectly reasonable purchase to make right now?
A taco fanny pack.
I repeat, A TACO FANNY PACK. With drink holder!