We Drink, We Drank, We Drunk

Sunday is "Legal Drinking Age Day," minions, and I bet some of you might feel like celebrating.


...with a badly drawn picture... of misspelled beer... on a cake.

I mean, sure.


Or maybe you feel like exploring your creative side:


Or expressing your inner poet:


Or just letting it all go:


If that sounds like you, then good news! There could be an "exciting" career ahead of you as a prefessional wreckerator! 

But how do you know which bakery is right for you? Where should you apply? 

Easy! Look for a sign.


This one'll do.

Thanks to Yashira, Ciara B., Amber, & Luanne B. for the reminder to never drink & decorate, OR drink & print out store signage.


P.S. Today I learned that TAMPON FLASKS are a thing:

Smuggle Your Booze Fake Tampon Flasks

I'm probably going to regret sharing this information, but I had to tell SOMEONE.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

A Home Run For Parents

It's an immutable law of nature: parents have to embarrass their kids. HAVE TO.

So to show how hep and "with it" she was, Michelle asked the baker to write, "Happy 10th Birthday, Dude!" on her son's birthday cake.

And did that turn out well?

Well, DUH.


Oh hey, bonus poo palms! NOICE.

(I still use 'Dude' all the time, too, Michelle. SOLIDARITY.)


Or how about having your folks bring THIS in for the team picnic?


If you want to give yourself a headache, try to figure out what (if anything) is written on the wood.

Then try to resist making an in inappropriate "wood" joke in front of a bunch of Little Leaguers.
Because OMG SO HARD. (Sorry. Made one anyway.)


All I know about this last one is "they asked for skulls," so for maximum funsies, lets assume a goth teen asked for this awesome skull cake:



...but then her well-meaning but slightly clueless parents brought this to the party instead:


"Look, honey, skulls! Just like you asked!"


"Do you want to invite your little friends over for cake now?"



Thanks to Michelle R., Kourtney G., & Marick S. for reminding us all of that time our parents did that thing that scarred us forever, but that we can laugh about now, because *OUR* parents couldn't post about it on Facebook. MWAHAHAAAAA.


P.S. Pssst. Next time you're shopping for a goth teen, get them this:

Skull Makeup Brush/Pen Holder

Heck, I know a bunch of adults who'd like it, too.


And from my other blog, Epbot: