How Long Will It Take YOU To See It?

I won't tell you how long I thought this was a sideways H:



I also won't tell you how long I stared at this one:


...before John finally pointed to the post-it.


However, I *will* tell you John spent the same amount of time thinking this was a perfectly nice cake, and wondering why Natasha sent it in:


So clearly we're still meant for each other.



Thanks to Katelyn W., Michelle D., & Natasha P. for seeing how many of us had our coffee this morning. Also, there's no WAY that's an H on #2. NO WAY.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Sunday Sweets: 10 Kids' Cakes The Adults Will Want, Too

John's been on a baking kick lately, so I've just had strawberry cake for breakfast, minions. Not pancakes, mind you, or donuts or muffins are other socially acceptable morning desserts. I'm talking homemade-buttercream-slathered, jam-filled, multi-tiered CAKE. With strawberry roses on top.

Back off, ladies and gents, this one's MINE.
(And John's taken, too.)

Just to drive the point home, here's a picture of me, defending my breakfast:


(By J'adore Sweets)



So before this sugar buzz wears off, let me take you through some of my favorite character cakes. And since I usually focus on popular movie or show characters, let's mix things up with some non-copyright cuties, like these:


(By Dolcemente Sheila)

Because how sweet is this furry trio? (Go, Ninja Cat, go!)


Or how about this for a swim party:


(By Sweet Mary's)

I've had this in my "to-post" folder for ages. I'm just so impressed by the design; the kids really look 3D!


I give horse cakes a rough time during the week - and with good reason - but here's an example of how they SHOULD be done:


(By Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School)

Perfection! I'm a big fan of cartoony animal cakes; it helps to be reminded it's not the real thing come slicing-and-dicing time.


Of course, now I'm going to immediately contradict myself by showing you the most ADORABLE, realistic, baby elephant cake:


(By Mr. Sprinkles)

I'm melting. MELTING. Look at those feet!


Next I'll break today's "no copyrighted characters" rule (it was really more of a "guideline"), because it's not like I can NOT show you this incredible Tamatoa cake from Moana, right?


(By Ashlee Marie)

Sing it with me, now: "He's so SHINE-AYYY!"

(FUN NON-CAKE RELATED FACT: Did you hear Disney hid Aladdin's golden lamp on Tamatoa's back? Yay Easter eggs!)


And while I'm breaking the rules/guidelines, anyone else consider Rainbow Unicorn Pusheen the BEST Pusheen?


(By Laura Loukaides)

I want to hug it and squeeze it and maybe bite its little paws off.


I have a feeling little Joa here got along with his birthday cake like a house on a fire:


(By Cherry Red Cake)

And can we talk about those perfectly shaded flames? And the oh-so-subtle "smoke"? And how that water hose does NOT look like the wreck every one of you old-school Wreckies are thinking of right now?


Have you heard of Shopkins? I don't fully understand them, but they're these little collectible toys popping up in check-out lines and toy departments everywhere, and I'm fighting a hard battle against being sucked in to the cuteness:


(By De la Creme Creative Studio)

I mean, c'mon. Have you ever seen a more lovable lipstick? And those little gold shoes! Hee!


I was talking over on Epbot about how we adults should never be ashamed of liking "kid stuff," and one of the commenters, Gwyn, said something fabulous:

"I am not having a mid-life crisis, I am having a second childhood, only this time I have more money and access to alcohol."


And hey, Gwyn? I found you an equally fabulous cake:


(By Faye Cayhill)

A Cute Cartoon Cactus With Booze, because we're adults and we can, dangit.

Just like eating strawberry cake for breakfast.

And maybe lunch.



Hope your week is as sweet as my morning's been, peeps! Happy Sunday!


I have to include this classic, if only to show how purr-fectly Laura's cake matched:

GUND Pusheen-icorn Plush

It also comes in miniature as an adorable purse clip, d'awwww.


And from my other blog, Epbot: