All Hallow's Wrecks
Henchpersons, it's the final week before Halloween. And you know what that means, right? [rubbing hands together gleefully] Ooooh, yes. It means: this week is gonna be GOOD.

You're gonna love it, though. I mean, c'mon, when else will your cupcakes literally give you the finger?
Or will Oompa Loompa glitter skeletons tap-dance across your sheet cake?
Or - OR - will you find an obscure Addams' Family reference scrawled on a huge pile of airbrushed icing?

And so, my dear Wreckies, enjoy this week. Embrace it. Savor it.
Oh, and:
I'm guessing 'cuz that's where the resemblance was strongest.
UPDATE: The "Cousin Itt" Epcot threat level is currently at: ORANGE. Do not panic; this is only a drill. (Plus I fixed my typo.) Carry on.