Well Met, Helmet
Apparently, there was a football game over the weekend. Or something. And while I care slightly less about football than I do about squirrel husbandry, I figured now would be a good time to talk to you about protection.
Er, of your heads, I mean. Not my squirrels' nuts. (Those are in the shed. Next to the zippers.)
So...helmets! For your heads! Except the cake ones, of course, which are for your mouth!
It's actually really hard to make a cake that looks like a helmet. There are all the doodads and thingamajigs and whoosywhatsits, and if you're not careful it just looks like a heap a' flimflam jibber jabber!
(Wow. I just turned into my grandfather)
First, let's have Mr. Floopers model a real football helmet for us:

See? It's simple. Just wrap your cat in a towel, and you can get almost anything on his head.
Oh, and the helmet is pretty easy, too.
In fact, when you break it down artistically, you can see that it's really just a big tombstone with a snail on it:

A well-executed cupcake cake (hooy-patooty!) is great for crushing the other team's spirit.

I'm choppin' brocolay-hay!
I'm choppin' broccoli!"
Why, just look at the terror in their eyes:

Thanks to Tim M., Cassidy S., Hunter F., Molly M., Erica B., Dena G., Amy K., & Lisa K., who think someone really should tell Giselle.