Sundays Sweets Turns Lemons Into Lemonade

It's Lemonade Day, Sweets fans, which seems appropriate as many of us enter our 7th week of lockdown. After all, if there's one thing this hour in history is teaching us, it's how to appreciate the little things, how to find the silver lining, and yes, how to take all these lemons life keeps throwing at us, and make a little lemonade.


(Cottontail Cake Studio, Philippines)

 I know that sounds trite, but just look at this cute little lemonade stand with the kitties out front. Look at the floating balloons, the little white flowers, the happy colors! Soak it in. 

Now take a deep breath - go on, I'll wait - and let it all the way out again through your nose before you scroll down.

Do eeeet.


K, scroll down.


 (The Cake Parlour, London)

Look how sweet and simple and cheerful. Can't you almost smell the lemons?

Or if you like all citrus, like me, then check this out:


(La Fabrik á Gateaux, Quebec)

That black and white is so clean, it's actually calming just to look at, don't you think? Count how many stripes. Do you think there should have been one more? Or is this just right?

Just imagine a kitchen wallpapered like this cake:


(Sweet Escape by Seda Ash, permanently closed, featured here)

Wouldn't that be sweet? I especially like these shades of yellow and green.

I can tell you as a former professional house painter, yellow is the hardest color to get right. It can so easily go too green, or too bright.

But when you really nail it, yellow can also be the happiest color:


(Bouchee, permanently closed, featured here)

And it pairs beautifully with pastel pink:


(Aggie's Sweets, permanently closed)

Did you know pink lemonade usually has a pink juice added like strawberry, cherry, or raspberry? Because I genuinely had no idea. Thanks, Google!

I found a lot of gorgeous cakes this week that combine lemons with Capri-style blue tiles, and wow:


(Fine Cakes By Zehra, Canada)

 That is STUNNING. Look at all those painted details!

Ohh, this is cool - remember fault line cakes? Those are the ones with the optical illusion in the middle, like this:


(Baking With Blondie, online only)

This is really making me crave something with lemon icing. Mmmmm.

You know I had to sneak some of my favorite color in:


(Photo by Shauna & Jordan, baker unknown)

There are lemons too, though! Orange makes me even happier than yellow - though I will say it's that pink flower on top that brings the whole thing together for me. This color combo is all things cheerful and bright.

And finally, these tiny blue flowers and gray-green leaves are perfect with the bright yellow lemons, and this whole cake looks like a painting come to life:


(Julie Rieutort Cake, Florida)

I can't tell where the handpainted 2D parts end, and the 3D floral and lemon bunches begin! Can you? Look closely!

I hope today's Sweets gave you a moment of peace and beauty, friends, as well as a little... zest for life? Eh?

However you spend today, remember to add a little sweetness for yourself and others. We've all got these lemons. What matters is how we choose to deal with them.

Happy Sunday!

P.S. After I wrote this post I found Disney's latest "At Home with Olaf" short, and it's PERFECT for today:

If you haven't seen the rest of these, GO WATCH. They're all so sweet! :D


It's not wallpaper, I know, but you could add some cheery lemons to your kitchen with these!

DII Swedish Dish Cloths, 100% Natural Cellulose

They're made with wood pulp, so they're extra durable and super absorbent. Great for scrubbing and as a sponge alternative - which is nice, because we're going through a lot of sponges right now while paper towels are scarce!


And from my other blog, Epbot: