All Dolled Up

We all have a slightly irrational fear, right? 

Maybe it's sharks:


or clowns:

or - my personal favorite - creepy dolls:


I think this is a chocolate Easter Bunny alternative for people who never want to sleep ever again.

Creepy dolls freak out a lot of people, including my hubby John, so naturally I seek them out at every opportunity. John's pretty tolerant with my sense of humor, although he did draw the line at keeping my Creepy Doll Mobile in the house overnight that one time, and locked it in the garage instead.

This last cake is from another couple where the guy doesn't like creepy dolls, and the wife CLEARLY has a great sense of humor. Briana the bride decided to play a little joke on her new hubby, so here's a look at the Groom's cake on their wedding day:



The floating head by the deer leg is what did me in. Bravo, Briana.

Thanks to Shauna M., Natalie C., Beth H., & Briana B. for realized that THREE heads are better than one.


And from my other blog, Epbot: