Death By Giant Ice Cream Cone And Other Life Goals




I don't want to eat them; I just want to order a couple. Loudly.

"Steamrolled Minnie"

Anyone else having Roger Rabbit flashbacks?

(On the plus side, now she qualifies for flat-rate shipping!)


"When A Farewell Turns Curiously Personal"

Wreck or no? Me, I could go either way.

Have you heard? "Death by Chocolate" is so last week.

The newest trend in desserts is "Death by Giant Ice Cream Cone."

Now we just need a man biscuit topped with a chocolate piano.

"Mischief Managed"

Best. Wedding display. Ever.

Thanks to Sam D., Julie R., Karen B., Letty B., & Jennifer C. for man biscuits. Obviously.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

1,2,3,4 - I Declare A Thumb Drive War!

[answering phone] "Cakey Cake Bakery, Jill speaking! How can I help you?"

"Hi, I need to order a cake for my boss. We have a photo of him playing golf that we'd like to put on it, though - can you do that?"

"Of course! Just bring the photo in on a USB drive and we'll print it out here."

"Great, I'll bring it by this afternoon."


  "Hey, Jill, what am I putting on this cake?"

 "Oh, check the counter; I left the jump drive out for you there."

[calling from the back room] "Really? This is what they want on the cake?"

"Yeah, the customer just brought it in."

"Okey dokey!"


I mention this because on Friday Reddit user just_leave_it posted a new and improved version from his friend Maureen C. of this exact same situation, and it's as gloriously ridiculous as you're all hoping it is:

Yep, the baker stuck the thumb drive in the photocopier, and printed an edible version of that.


So next, to complete this trifecta of wrecky awesomeness, I'm going to need one of you pro bakers out thereto just jam the thumb drive itself into a mound of icing. I AM SO NOT KIDDING. Consider it my personal challenge the next time you get a photo cake order.

Just remember to set up a hidden camera first, so you can send me video of the customer's reaction when you bring the cake out. That's right: VIDEO OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Make this happen, bakers. I believe in you!

Thanks again to Elisabeth and the scores of you loyal wreckies who sent in the Reddit wreck this weekend. 


Oh, and for those of you who like to know the epilogue:

Both bakers were apologetic and offered to fix and/or replace the cakes for free. The first group elected to keep the wrecked cake, since it's funnier, and this latest gal got the corrected cake for half off and the wrecked cake for free - not too shabby.

However, it didn't help the baker's case much when this was the apology note tucked inside the replacement cake's box:

(If you're confused, it might help to know that the cake photo was of a guy holding an accordion.) 

Ok, so maybe this baker should just stick to edible photocopies. :D


And from my other blog, Epbot: