At This Point My Houseplants Get Out More Than I Do

It's "Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day," minions, and wow are the plants excited.


Just look how happy this flower is to see you.

[insert "stamen-a" joke here]

Of course taking your ficus for walkies is nothing compared to some of the strange occasions bakers celebrate. You know, like "Swirling Vortex Of Outdated Technology" Day.


Remember when we'd answer our cellphones by yelling, "TALK! TALK!"?

That was fun.

Or there's "Add A Space After 'THE' To Turn One Word Into Two" Day:


I hear the spian's are real characters.

And let's not forget "Fuzzy Phallic Couch Day!" 

Or wait, was it "Tanks For The Memories" Day? I always get those two confused.


::head tilt::


Well, whichever this is, I'm sure it'll go out with a bang.



Thanks to Keith I., Beth, Suzy M., & Jerry L., who tells me that last cake isn't a couch OR a tank; it's a dog. Um... we can see that, Jerry, but what's it *supposed* to be?



If you want to stick with just celebrating your houseplants today, then how about keeping one in your very own tiny house hippo?

Hippo Succulent Planter Pot

Because this is ADORABLE.

The Cake Wrecks Ink Blot Test

We need modern tools for a modern age, minions. That's why I'm proposing we throw out the passé Rorschach ink blot test for psychological evaluation... and use cakes instead.


"SO... [clicking pen, pushing up glasses, consulting clipboard]...

"Tell me.

"What do you see?"

JessicaDud.ow.Um what.jpg

"I'm sorry, did you just say "a screaming ding dong on a pile of dog crap"?

"You did?

[scribbling on clipboard] "Innnnnteresting."


"Right. How about this one?"


"Huh. Really? Huh.

"No, no, don't worry, LOTS of folks see "a pug who ate Italy."

[turns to camera, eyes wide, mouths NO THEY DON'T.]


"Ok, last one. Ready?

"What do you see?"


"And I'm going to need you to be really specific here, since the boss wants a label on this thing pronto, and I have no friggin' clue.

"Oh, wow, and look at the time! Guess my lunch break's over. So, would you like any more cakes, or should I just ring these three up?"


Thanks to Jessica D., Lindsey I., & Tracy A., who can probably think of worse things than having bakers for psychoanalysts. At least you'd get cake after each session, right?

And from my other blog, Epbot: