This Bakery's Baby Shower Display May Actually Give You Nightmares

I thought I'd seen it all, dear minions. Heck, I HAVE seen it all.

Just... not like this:


Either these naked baby dolls came to life overnight and started eating the display cakes, OR - and this is even MORE disturbing - the bakery did this on purpose.



I'm not even creeped out by dolls, you guys - exhibit A-Z right here - but this? With all the icing smears, and those staring dead eyes? (And why - WHY - are they naked?!)

Yep. That's a giant plate o' NOPE, right there.

But wait!



Apparently this naked demon doll sat in the icing before collapsing, which really brings the ol' "I licked that piece so it's mine now" strategy to a whole new level.


Maybe you didn't notice lil' icing butt, though, because:









Thanks to Kristen D. for the sweet dreams. And my "sweet dreams" I mean "screaming nightmares." You monster.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Sunday Sweets Celebrates All Things CANDY

John decided to watch the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka movie earlier this week, and I decided I was too lazy to leave the room. The movie is... fine? But I'll always prefer Gene Wilder as Wonka - even with that traumatizing boat scene.

Anyway, since I wasn't really focused on the movie, and because my brain equates everything to cake, I started browsing online for fun Wonka cakes, and...



 (Le Torte Di Clari, Italy)

OooOOoooh. I like how this could work for either movie, either the classic or the reboot.

Also, fun fact: Even though nearly all Willy Wonka cakes include a purple top hat, neither movie shows Willy Wonka wearing one. I think the color choice comes from Gene Wilder's purple coat, but his hat was orangey brown, and Depp's hat was black.

Here's my favorite for the reboot:


(Cottontail Cake Studio, Philippines)

That chocolate waterfall is incredible, love how it seems to flow. Plus peep Augustus Gloop's feet sticking out at the bottom, hah.

Those are the only Wonka cakes I'm going to show you today, though, because I've found most of the others all look the same. So instead, I thought we'd explore the candy-colored world... of CANDY.


(Carolyn's Custom Cakes, New Jersey)

Awww yeeeeah. For you M&M lovers! It's been a long time since I was tempted to try decorating a cake, but this is calling my name. So clever to use M&Ms to make a pattern - and of course I'm a sucker for all things rainbow.

Speaking of suckers, here's my favorite lollipop design:


(JS Cakes & Bakes, Louisiana)

Isn't this fantastic?? So clean and modern while also being fun and artsy. I'm kind of obsessed.

Check out these dreamy cotton candy clouds:


(Baby Cakes Bakery, Ontario)

I assume my Florida humidity would make these melt in an instant, so I'll just stare at this dreamily and sigh a lot. 

Most candy-themed cakes have a whole assortment of sugary goodness piled on, and I approve:


(Mini Bakes, Holland)

Bonus points for the donuts and the floating Smarties bag. Nomz. (Actually, I've never had these kind of Smarties, only the chalky American kind. I assume these taste better?)

What's that? You want MORE floating bags of candy?

I got you, boo:


(Kokoro Cakes, closed)

I am ready to taste this rainbow, please and thank you.

I don't know many people who crave rock candy all that often... but I bet that's about to change:


(Pamela Cake Planner, Ontario)


Or if you can't decide on just one or two favorite candies, then how about putting them ALL on?


(Joshua John Russell)

I'm really loving this whole cover-the-cake-with-actual-candy approach. Fruit Stripe gum? Starburst and Skittles tiles? Jelly beans and lollies and sprinkles, oh my!

And finally, I went looking for a good gumball machine cake, and stumbled across something that made my inner 15-year-old shriek with joy. A single photo doesn't do this justice, so for the first time ever I'm going to embed a video reveal. Hold on to your socks!

AAAAAAAA IT'S LISA FRANK HEAVEN!! And a working gumball machine?! Respect.

Here's a photo, just to sum it all up:


(Cake Goodness, California)


I hope these made you smile, since smiles seem harder to come by lately. Go make life Sweet today, both for yourself and for others, k?


P.S. Can we talk about how fantastic these dresses are, and how cruel it is that they only come in kid sizes??

Sleeveless Summer Dresses, Age 3-13

I want all of these in my size! Manufacturers, someone get on this, pls.


And new on my other blog, Epbot: