Surprise! IT A WRECK!

Brenna P. writes,

"Since it was my husband’s birthday last week, I thought it would be a fun idea to get a birthday cake that would also reveal the gender of our baby due this summer."


[nodding vigorously] Excellent, excellent. WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THIS PLAN.

[making popcorn]
[pulling up beanbag chair]

Ok, Brenna, please.


"I asked that the bakery put blue frosting in the middle of the cake, with the intention of cutting it open to reveal that it’s a boy."

Good thinking. Solid plan. I like it.


And... ?



Note the lovely schmear of blue frosting right in the "middle" of the cake, just like Brenna asked.

(The whole "It a ..." misspelling was just the metaphorical cherry on top.)


Ah, but I know what you're thinking: what color icing was on the inside?


Silly wreckie; there WAS no icing on the inside, haha!

(C'mon, now, how long have you been reading this blog? I mean, REALLY.)



Oh hey, if you like surprises but hate people, I have JUST THE THING:

The Original Spider Prank Box

The plastic spider leaps out as you slide the door open, and as the recipient of a similar box I can assure you: this thing's a real scream. Perfect for nosy roommates, co-workers, your kids... hey, I'm not here to judge. :p

And from my other blog, Epbot:

Horse (Non)Sense

Momma gave us this birthday tip
Her face stern, her hand on her hip
"When serving horse cake
"With this kind of face


"Well, sonny, don't give me no lip."



Gumdrop was gloomy and tense
Her flight was one filled with suspense


With wings on one side
No physics applied
But whoever said magic makes sense?



This pony gives no end of grief
Its texture defies all belief

Missing legs, is it now?
Should we call it a cow?
Because wow does it look like ground beef.



Ted is a unicorn with sass
His friends like to say he's a gas


The life of the party
Whenever he's farty
And rainbows shoot out of his a$$


Thanks to Amanda L., another Amanda, Brio G., & Sarah L. for finding everyone's next birthday cake request. Take note, bakers: Rainbow-Farting Unicorns for EVERYBODY!


P.S. FINALLY. I thought I'd never find a natural segue for these!

Unicorn Poop Earrings

Don't stop believing, y'all. Dreams do come true.


And from my other blog, Epbot: