Guess. That. Cake Kit!

If you've ever ordered a kids' cake from a grocery store, odds are it was made with some kind of plastic accessory kit. Cake kits are the bakery's way of guaranteeing us that every cake we order from their picture book...


... will NOT look this good.


If by some chance you at least get the correct toy, then count your blessings - no matter how the rest of it looks.


Trust me, this really is your best case scenario.

How much worse can it get?

To answer that, let's play a game you have ZERO chance of winning, but that I guarantee will delight me to no end.


Here goes:

Guess what character cake kit this is supposed to be!


Did you guess?

Oooh, not even close.

Want to try again? 

Or should I just give you the answer?

Good choice.


Ta daaaaaaa.

Ready for another one? We'll call that the practice round.

Here goes:

Study those ambiguous glowing arrows. STUDY THEM. Do they remind you of anything?

Now... what'd the customer order?



Yeah, I have a few questions on this myself, actually.

 Eeesh, I tell ya, minions, when bakeries don't include the toy (which is surprisingly often), you can really see just how whack-a-doodle the actual cake parts are:


Can you guess this character kit? 

You should, since I've dedicated an entire post to just this cake design before. ::meaningful glare::

Remember this?


Yep, Frozen again. Let's not delve into the mystery of why Anna & Olaf are floating down a very non-frozen river in the first place, though.

Since you're not winning this game anyway, let's go back to the funnier way where first I show you what the cake is SUPPOSED to look like:


And then there's a dramatic drum roll...

::imagine a dramatic drum roll here::

... before we all let out an exasperated, "OH COME ON."



It's almost cathartic, right?

Thanks to Jevin W., Steph L., Meredith P., Pamela D., & Karri G. for reminding us we can't believe everything we see in bakery books.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

More Cliché Than A Cake Wreck

It's time to let sleeping dogs lie, to grab the bull by the horns, and to maybe leave the rest of the animals out of this, 'cuz now my cats are looking nervous.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


So clearly this baker hates you.


When life gives you lemons:


...ask life, "but what's with the parsley?"

If the shoe fits...


...see your doctor.
(I've heard of fallen arches before, but yowie.)


This, too, shall pass.




If at first you don't succeed, try, try again:



Because, after all:

Practice makes perfect.




Thanks to Nathan J., Megan J., Phreedom, Howard G., Susan R., & Anony M. for going against my express wishes and beating that dead horse. Will no one think of the animals?!


So there I was, laughing at how B-Day sounds like bidet in my head and I wondered if Amazon had anything funny and bidet related and well…

Kama Pootra

This has been a glimpse into the mind of john (the hubby of Jen).


And from my other blog, Epbot: