The Baby Cake Gets Cut Down to Size
You know how sometimes you see a baby cake that's not too horrendously awful, and your first reaction is something like,
"Aw, just lookit that face! Who's a cute widdle boopsie woopsie baby? Is it you? Yes, it's you!!"
Anyway, my point is that while some of these baby cakes might be just the teensiest bit cute, you have to remember one very important thing:
Here we have the standard old man baby cake:
[Quick side note: in case you're wondering, as I did, why he's on a food court tray: it turns out that's a new type of cake board popping up in bakeries. Weird, I know. Ok, sorry to interrupt. Let's move on.]
And just so you get the full effect:

No really, look at it. Aren't you glad the eyes aren't open?
[shiver] Whoah. I just gave myself the willies. (Or should I call them the "bennies?")
Okay. So, über realistic baby. Been there, done that. However, here's where things get...

I would insert some side-splitting commentary here about how stabbing someone in the back always gets you the cold shoulder in the end - but as you can see, there's no need. He's already "waist"ing away!
Oh, Oh! Wait! I have one more:
Ah, I crack myself up sometimes.Anyway, we still haven't gotten to the worst part yet. The worst part actually, literally, in real reality, honestly gave John nightmares. Seriously. So now he won't let me post it here. Instead, I'm going to link to it. But please, all joking aside, choose your clicks wisely. I'm here to make you laugh, not give you nightmares - and this thing puts the "ick" in "squicky."
Ok, enough warnings (since I'm sure they're having the opposite affect anyway): Click here to see the final photo.
Thanks to Kimberley K., who will never again say to a child, "I could just eat you up!"
Note from John: I initially made that last picture a separate post and linked to it, not realizing it would show up in Google readers before the actual post. Oops. Sorry to those of you who clicked on it with no warning! Oh and if the new link doesn't work, you may have to refresh the page.