Rear View Wreckage
Loyal henchpersons, I won't lie to you: today's post scares the bejeepers out of me.
You see, if ever a Wreck was cursed on this blog, it is the Baby Butt Cake:
I first posted one waaaay back in the infant days of Wrecks, but I soon had to pull the photo when I learned the baker was not a pro. So, I replaced it with a different butt cake. This time the baker was a pro, but was also none too pleased at having her creation be the butt of my butt jokes. So, I pulled THAT photo. (To date, I've only had about 8 or 9 bakers ever ask me to remove a photo. Not a bad record, for all that.)
At that point I decided the post was cursed, and left it.
However, today, dear readers, I face my fears. You see, the butt cake phenomenon has been growing unchecked, and is now threatening to overrun the world's baby showers. My friends, we cannot let this happen. Even if the cakes are well-executed,* I ask you: where is the sense? Where is the "cute?"
[*Heh. "Well-executed." Heh.]

For many of these designs, the angle is such that it appears the baby is stuck head-down inside the cake - thereby answering the "where's the rest of him?" question, but raising several more of the "who buries a baby in a cake?" variety.
Other bakers unashamedly go with the Bisected Baby approach, figuring that a little fondant draping over that waist jutting off the side somehow makes the whole thing "work."
And since we're obviously not letting a trifling thing like anatomy get in the way, why NOT have Gumby knees?
This one almost looks like a head and hands popping up:
While this one makes me really....uncomfortable.

Ok. Yeah. I'm just going to go ahead and say it:
The "Barely There Censor Bear" is really earning his money today.
And finally, let's end with something so hilarious that I have no choice but(t) to believe the baker is mocking the entire Baby Butt genre: