Flip Flops (Hey, Look, a Built-In Pun!)
I once read one of those "You know you're a Floridian when..." lists, and number five was "...you wear flip-flops to a wedding."
Now, as a long-time Florida resident, I feel I should defend my fellow Sunshine Staters by informing the rest of you that they make some *very* dressy flip-flops. Have you seen the ones with the little rhinestones on the straps? [sing-song voice] Daaar-ling! And totally black-tie appropriate, I might add.
Anyway, during the summer months it quickly becomes obvious which Wreckerators have not only never worn flip-flops, but have probably never even seen a pair, either.

Good grief, that almost makes the cupcake cake [patooie!] version look decent:

Must be a Canadian thing.*
It gets worse when Wreckerators introduce a 3D element:
Here's one using either a piece of electrical wiring or a radioactive Twizzler:

Shana M., Kelly M., Hannah H., Xiaomi Q, Beth C., D'Anna, & Gins V., thanks for taking a step in the wreck direction
.*Yes, actually, I do think that's funny. (Love ya, Canada!)
Note from john - Sorry everybody; I didn't get to comments for fifteen minutes and it appears we have a "bacon" EPCOT. Completely my fault. Sorry and wreck on!
UPDATE: Once again, Google Adsense wins the day! Check out the screen shot Tara G. sent in: