Rejected Princess Movies

New, in honor of Princess Week!

Rejected Princess Movies... in cake.


Snow White And The Swamps of Sadness



Sleeping With The Fishes

A terrible curse.
A fishy tail.
And a super long nap.

("Is she still pink?" "No, BLUE!")


Fairy Apocalypse

Tinkerbell finds a new friend!
And this one's still alive!


Rapunzel And The Haunted Guitar Pick Path Of Doom

"Rapunzel! Let down your haiAAAAAUGGGGH!!"

(Yes, that's really supposed to be a Tangled cake for poor little "Chole"/Chloe. And I am so confused.)


Frozen 2: Elsa Gets Grumpy

"Alright, who let one go?"


Thanks to Vicky G., Andrew D., Brian W., Michal S., & Emma R. for the fractured farty tales.


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