Almost, But Not Quite, Entirely Unlike Turkey Cakes
Let's face it, bakers: turkeys look silly.
Real turkeys, I mean.
So in that spirit, why NOT make your turkey cakes look like a snake on a Mexican poncho?
Or a volcano with a chicken beak?
Or a ruffled... er...
[long pause]
[gratuitous side-eye]
...decorative... pillow.
I mean, on the one hand, bakers, this is utterly ridiculous. Have you seen a real turkey's head? It's not even brown.
But on the other hand, when else do you get to illustrate an angry little poop being attacked by technicolor leeches?
Never, that's when.
So I say... [cranks up America the Beautiful]... GO FOR IT, bakers.
Embrace the ridiculous!
Stretch those legs!
Spread-eagle that turkey!
Anything goes!!
[record screeches to a halt]
Except this.
Thanks to Heather M., Stieg, Laura B., Sandy F., Dave & Alison, DeLoris N., & Morgan R. for making us all do a triple-take. (Still pretty sure those ARE supposed to be turkeys, though.)
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