Friday Favs 3/24

Today's post is dedicated to the American Hero who added a bottle of Jack Daniel's to this display:

Bless you, sir/madam. Bless you.



Please tell me I'm not the only one who immediately saw this:

Just me?


Bakers, I imagine parenthood is tough enough. You really shouldn't go adding to the stress level with Prom goofs like this:

Please tell me this was delivered to her house.


Also, bakers, 'fess up: which one of you decided chocolate icing was a good call here?


Which brings me to the headline of the week:

A cake decorator with "no construction experience" building a sewage plant? CLEARLY this reporter has never read Cake Wrecks:



Cake decorators get all KINDS of experience constructing sewage plants.


Though I'm guessing/hoping these ones smell better.


"Howdy, doody."


Thanks to Sherry S., Jonathan W., Kristen G., Mona E., Amber S., Jane P., Matt S., Paula P., & Rachelle H. for taking us to fecality, and beyond.


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