The Horny Unicorn
PARENTAL NOTE: Best keep the little ones away today. I think this is mostly safe for work, though. Mostly. [evil grin]
I'm sensing there's a story here:
Just me?
And I kinda love how this bakery advertises that they're 50 years old - so mature! so established! - RIGHT NEXT to their poop cakes:
Anyone else immediately "go" to this?
We all are, Danny. WE ALL ARE.
(Also, can we talk about how intentional poop cakes don't look NEARLY as sh*tty as the unintentional ones? No? Allllllrighty then.)
Bakers, minions, makers and binions - we've been through this. Right? I mean, I thought I was *very* clear last time. Apparently this needs repeating, though, so here goes.
Ahem hem hem.
Buck up, it's gonna be a bum-py ride.
I'm starting to think you guys are missing the point on purpose, just so I'll write more of my awesome "horny" puns. And they are awesome. But still. Cut it out.
And speaking of things that are happy to see you, here's the one kind of troll you WANT on the internet:
Oh dear.
Thanks to Laura H., Susan O., Anony M., & Anony T. for the most excellent wreckporting.
P.S. I feel like I should apologize for this t-shirt, so... I'm sorry.
Dinosaurs Eat Unicorns T-Shirt
Unless you're laughing. In that case, you're welcome - and this comes in more colors at the link. :)
And from my other blog, Epbot: