8 Cakes For Completely Inappropriate Occasions

I'm a firm believer in celebrating just about everything with cake, and from the submissions you guys send in I'm clearly not the only one.  However, there's celebrating, say, a new vasectomy or Daddy's parole, and then there's the stuff that some people might consider, well, inappropriate cake material.

 Not me, of course. No sir! Heck, I say, you wanna get pregnant? Then SAY IT WITH CAKE:


Or you're happy you DIDN'T get pregnant? Say THAT with cake.



Let's say your friend Cory suffered a nasty seizure recently. That warrants a cookie cake, right?


(Remember, kids: It's "i before e except after c." Except in the word "seizure.")


And remember that time your friend lost a finger to the lawn mower? Just in case he doesn't, let's remind him! With cake!


I like how this is less a "get well" cake, and more an "IN YOUR FACE! With love from the Lawn Mower" cake.


Driving while intoxicated is a serious crime, so be sure to tell your friends you won't stand for such behavior. Also with cake.


I like to imagine the candles are mini breathalyzers. 

(How cool would that invention be? Right? I'll make millions. MILLIONS, I say!)


The world is too success-oriented. We should be sending a better message to younger generations. A message that says, "Hey, no matter what, at least you'll get a cake out of this."



Dangit. Why don't I know any lady farmers to give this to? WHY?!

april bis.ow.awesome melons misspell.jpg

(PS - You misspelled "Awesome." But I'll let it slide, because melons.)

And finally, my favorite:

stephanie koi.ow.vintage i have a vagina.jpg

Hang on... we get cake for that? 


Thanks to Anony M., Katelyn, KG, Paul S., Paige S., April B., & Stephanie K. for the inspiration.


P.S. That reminds me of my Wonder Womb DIY, but if you're not feeling crafty you can buy this!

"Ivy the Plush Uterus"

I'm told "Ivy" is a play on "In Vitro," but I still say Baron Stabby McCrampus of Bloodhaven is a more appropriate moniker.


And from my other blog, Epbot: