Sunday Sweets: Drama Queens
In a world ...
where it seemed ...
that most cakes were chewed first and THEN sold ...
one cake dared ...
to stand alone.

Made by Sylvia Weinstock Cakes for Jennifer Lopez's birthday
This summer ...
Sunday Sweets presents ...
the story of an elite group of renegade cakes ...

By Confectioneiress Cupcakes and Sweets
...who could no longer bear to stand idly by and watch the unknowing public be content with things like CUPCAKE CAKES, or NAKED CAKES, and instead decided to show the world, once and for all ...
What a freaking amazing cake really looks like.

By Tickled Cakes
With an all-star cast led by Tiersten Dunst, Garnish Paltrow, and Jane Fondant, with a special appearance by Posh Spice,
it's ...

By Anna Elizabeth Cakes, as featured in Wedluxe magazine
Prepare to be amazed,
and hungry.

Hold on to your seats, as this visual thrill-ride takes you beyond the average world of poorly-piped productions, and into a snowy scene where silvery footprints lead you through a filigree-framed trompe l'oeil forest:

Where larger-than-life seahorses actually *gasp* look like seahorses.

Where you'll find yourself asking in disbelief more than once ...
'Are those real?'

(I'm talking about the flowers, of course).
See why critics are raving:
"Two enthusiastic forks up!"
"I was on the edge of my plate!"
"The taste good movie of the year!"