The Name Blame
I know bakers see a lot of unusual names these days, but sometimes you've still got to wonder:

...are they doing "the drugs?"
(That's me channeling a little bit of my mom for you, right there. She puts a "the" in front of everything, like going to "the Walmart" or seeing "the Star Wars" or disowning "the daughter.")

Not cool, man. NOT COOL.
There are so many wrecky butterfly cakes coming in this month that my first thought for this next one was that it actually wasn't so bad:

(Funny thing: this one's a lot less phallic than most butterfly wrecks, too.)
From a bakery that uses a lot of clipart:

(Yes, really.)
On the plus side, I've *seen* most bakery clip art out there, and believe me, this is an improvement.
Do you think this next baker finished the cake, looked down, and thought, "Hey, what a coincidence!"?

(And no, for you positive Pollys out there - the birthday boy was not named Nemo.)
Now, you might think you could avoid your own birthday wreck by just having nothing on it.
And, hey, you might be right.

Thanks to Kasha D., Windy S., Anony M., Heather K., Aisha A., Sue P., & Kristen H. for not naming any names.
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