What's This?
Earlier today John had the song "What's This?" from Nightmare Before Christmas stuck in his head.
After looking at these Wrecks, now *I* do.
What's this? What's this?
There's color everywhere

What's this?
There's white things in the air

What's this?

It's orange and so hairy - what's the deal with those two berries? I don't care!
What's this?
What's this? What's this?
I can't believe my eyes,

What's this?
A donkey tank surprise?

What's this? A swirly mass so curly, could the purple be too girly? Should this song be ending early?
No we're going 'til we hurl-y!!
What's this?
Could it be, oh could it be? Did I get my wish?

Here's something that makes sense: a meteorite bird fiiiish!
What's this?
What's this? What's this? There's something very wrong!

What's this? That blue thing's really long.

What's this?
It's positively crappy, and yet I feel so happy, have I possibly gone sappy? I think I need a nappy 'cuz this song is kind of rappy so I guess I'll get a frappey and go shopping at the Gappy...

S.K., Patrick T., Chris E., Reagan B., Rebekah W., Austin L., Alex S., Kaylyn M., & Mikaela, your guess is as good as mine.
Oh, and for your continued "enjoyment" I have a special treat today: while we were writing this post, John & #1 (aka "the other Jen") kept singing it to get the cadence right. This...got really entertaining.
So, I decided to tape them.
There were a few interruptions, but overall I think you'll find their rendition...um...well...just don't have the volume up too loud, k?